The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and a public hearing on Thursday, September 8, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room, 351 No 100 East, Boulder, UT. Zoom connection will also be available.
The purpose of a public hearing is for the public to provide their comments on the Proposed Ordinance Regulating Fire Protection in Subdivisions .
Comments submitted in writing at least 24 hours before the meeting will be posted here for review and can be presented or read into the record at the meeting (scroll down to Meeting Materials). Email comments to
- Approve agenda
- Approve August minutes
- Public Hearing on Draft Ordinance 2022-(4), Regulating Fire Protection in Subdivisions
- Discussion and vote on Draft Ordinance 2022-(4)
- Conceptual Plan for Full Moon Farms East Subdivision (Rod Torgerson)
- Conceptual Plan for RV Park CUP amendment (Ray Gardner)
- Conceptual Plan review on Deer Ranch Subdivision (Shawn Owen)
- Discuss Community Housing Forum, working groups and interim meeting
- Final public comments
- Upcoming business for October 13 meeting
(zoom info deleted)
Meeting Materials:
August Draft Minutes: minutes22_0811
Fire Protection Ordinance, Public hearing comments: Tessa_Hydrants;
Zoning Administrator: ZA Report Sept2022_r1
Other submitted comments: Hoyt_Full Moon East conceptual; Hoyt_Deer Ranch concept 3; Feiler_Deer Ranch concept 3
Lee Nellis: Development Review Process memo
Rachel Levinson, Full Moon Farms East Subdivision, Concept Plan: Application; Concept Plan Description; Topo orientation; Concept_Aerial; Concept Plat ; Lot 6;
Deer Ranch Preliminary Subdivision Application and materials: Deer Ranch Concept Plan_2022_0908; Feedback on Deer Ranch Sept15 (response to request for feedback by PC/ZA).
Ray Gardner, RV Park CUP Amendment, Concept Drawing:
Housing Forum Memo (Veranth): Veranth notes on Housing Forum_22_0908
Audio Recording:
(Click the “play” arrow to play.)