Planning CommissionTown Council

Planning Commission and Town Council, Joint Special Meeting, Thursday July 25, 2024, 7pm

By July 23, 2024 August 6th, 2024 No Comments

Joint Special Meeting 

Thursday, July 25 2024, 7:00 pm

The Boulder Planning Commission and Boulder Town Council will hold a special meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2024, starting at 7:00 pm at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room, 351 No 100 East, Boulder, UT. Zoom connection will also be available.


  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Opening Comments by PC Chair and Mayor on desired outcomes for the meeting with input from PC and TC members (~15 min)
  4. Discussion on Draft Subdivision Code – Draft 072224 with a focus on key questions such as:  Should requirements vary if only one lot is being created? Which requirements? Are there more stringent requirements for X# lots?  Are infrastructure improvements required before or after recording? Should the Town require Subdivision Improvement Plans?  (~45-60 min) **Boulder Subdivision Ordinance – 072224.docx – Google Docs
  5. Discuss priorities for PC Work for next year (~30-45 min)
  6. Discuss ways to improve workflow and communications between the TC and PC (~30 min)
  7. Public comments 
  8. Review Meeting Actions/Decisions
  9. Upcoming business 
  10. Adjourn 

**Document supporting agenda item


Audio Recording:

Zoom Connection:

Meeting ID: 435 335 7300

Passcode: 84716

Please make sure your Zoom name has your first and last name or you will not be admitted into the meeting

Phone connection, pick a number: 1 346 248 7799; 1 669 900 6833; 1 719 359 4580; 1 253 205 0468