Notice and Agenda
Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, October 7, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room of the Community Center.
The agenda shall be as follows:
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve minutes of August 5 and September 1 meetings
- Interview applicants for Planning Commission
- Update on shredder proposal – Conrad Jepsen, Josh Ellis
- Rescind Fire Restrictions
- Request to Initiate Annexation Policy Plan – Peg Smith, Dan Pence (Annexation Policy Plan )
- Discussion and Action on Ordinance 2021-5 Amendments to RV Parks/Campgrounds and Guest Ranches – Peg Smith, PC secretary/Deputy Clerk (2021-5 draft for TC approval )
- Town Halloween proposal – Elizabeth Julian
- Department Reports
- Enforcement, Landfill, Town Grounds and Park Committee
- EMS, Fire Council Library Board, Arts Council and GCSD
- Cemetery, Buildings, and Travel Council
- Planning Commission, Roads and GC Planning Commission
- Mayor
- Zoning Administrator
- Clerks – Checks issued for August and September
- Public Comments
- Closed Meeting (if necessary)
- Adjourn
Zoom link info:
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Meeting ID: 859 9681 2202
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MINUTES:Town Council Meeting minutes October 2021