The Planning Commission is a public body, appointed by Boulder Town, to make recommendations on land use decisions related to the General Plan and on zoning and subdivision applications and to review and approve/disapprove Conditional Use Permit applications.

The Boulder Town Planning Commission meets the second Thursday of each month. Meetings start at 6 p.m. during Standard time; they start at 7 p.m. during Daylight Savings Time.

Boulder’s land use decisions are governed by the processes and procedures set forth in Title XV: Land Usage section of Boulder’s codified ordinances: . Applicants preparing a land use plan should first familiarize themselves with the applicable ordinances before preparing a packet for the Planning Commission to consider. This simple step saves everyone a lot of time.

Applications are available online and electronic submittal of applications is encouraged. Submit all applications with attachments to the Zoning Administrator, Erin Smith, at least 20 days prior to the next Planning Commission meeting.

Planning Commissioners:

  • Nancy Tosta, chair
  • Colleen Thompson, vice-chair
  • Elena Hughes
  • Tina Karlsson
  • Darrell Fuller
  • Alternate, Nick Vincent
The Commission Clerk is Jessica LeFevre, or phone  435-335-7300
Planning Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, with the advise and consent of Town Council. Appointments are for a 5-year term. A person appointed to fill in a vacancy on the commission serves out the remainder of the commissioner’s term, and then is eligible for up to 2 consecutive terms of his/her own.

Getting on the Agenda

Notify PC Clerk, Jessica LeFevre,  at least 48 hours before the meeting to request a spot on the agenda. (Not including applications that must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator 20 days prior to the meeting)

Meeting Notification

Notice of all Planning Commission meetings is posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Notification for a Public Hearing must be posted at least 10 days prior to the meeting, per Utah State code.

To receive automatic notification of all PC meetings and public hearings, please subscribe to Boulder Town Planning Commission at the Utah Public Meeting Notice website:

Zoom Meetings

Information on connecting to a zoom meeting is included with each meeting notification. All participants are requested keep their microphones on mute unless called on to speak. For telephone participants, use *6 to mute and unmute the mic; press *9 to raise/lower your hand to speak.