Regular Meeting
Thursday, February 1, 2024, 7:00 pm
The Boulder Town Council will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, February 1, 2024, starting at 7:00 pm at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room, 351 No 100 East, Boulder, UT. Zoom connection will also be available.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve agenda
- TC conflict of interest disclosure
- Department report, council and administrators
- Review of Roberts Rules 5 minute limit
- Approve minutes for November emergency work meeting, **2023.TownCouncil.Nov.Emergency Meeting. December regular meeting, **December 2023 Draft Meeting Minutes January regular meeting **January 2024.04.01 TC Meeting Minutes Template
- Public Comments 3 minutes maximum per person. You may not give your time up to another person.
- Mayor pro tempore
- Boulder Town Emergency Plan Analysis **Boulder Emergency Operating Plan Analysis (1)
- All users pedestrian pathway alt route to around the Town Pavilion to present to the Joint Highway Committee
- original
- plan A
- Ordinance §34.16 policy for approval of minutes ** & §34.03 Electronic Meetings **
- Landfill
- EMT hybrid program options **Online EMT Course Comparison
- Planning Commission SB-174 consultant funding **
- Communication between Town Council and Planning Commission
- Present and sign Fraud Risk Assessment
- Assign council member to be over Independence Day Celebration
- Approval for January checks issued
- Upcoming business for March
- Adjourn
** supporting link/document for an agenda item
Zoom Connection:
Meeting ID: 435 335 7300
Passcode: 84716
Phone connection, pick a number: 1 346 248 7799; 1 669 900 6833; 1 719 359 4580; 1 253 205 0468
Meeting Minutes: February TC meeting minutes
Audio Recording: