Mayor vacancy notice Public Notice is hereby given that Judy Drain has officially resigned as mayor of the Town of Boulder. The Town Council is calling for applications. The term…
BOULDER TOWN FIRE RESTRICTIONS June 1st, 2024 – October 31st, 2024 Boulder Town Code: §130.01 Fire Restrictions (A) It shall be unlawful to discharge or use any kind of fireworks,…
Two Board of Adjustment appointments are open: A full, 5-year term beginning January 2024, ending January 2029 A one-year term, filling out Ray Gardner’s position, ending January 2025 The Board…
Planning Commission Opportunity! Boulder Town Planning Commission has two vacancies to fill: one regular, 5-year term and one 5-year alternate member term. (The alternate attends all meetings and is ready…
BOULDER TOWN FIRE RESTRICTIONS June 1st, 2023- October 31st, 2023 (A) It shall be unlawful to discharge or use any kind of fireworks, pyrotechnic devices or tracer ammunition within…
Goals for the Forum: Report out on the Work Group activities Describe options the Planning Commission could pursue Collect feedback from the community on how to move forward (Scroll to…
Visit the Boulder Town Cemetery online: Many thanks to Boulder Librarian Karen Terry for compiling data from former mayor Keith Gailey, historian Marsha Holland, and her own photos and…
In 2023, meetings of Boulder Town public bodies will be held in the Community Center, 351 N. 100 E., and/or on Zoom, on the following days and times: Town Council: …
Boulder Town Clerk Position Open Hours: 10 hours/week, average Starting salary: $21/hour The Town Clerk is the operational and administrative backbone of Boulder Town government. Being Town Clerk is…
We’re all affected by Boulder’s housing situation. Everyone, throughout the greater Boulder Community of 84716, directly involved or not. So please plan to attend Attainable Housing Presentations, Thursday, November 17…
The Boulder Town Council will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, March 3, 2022, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room and via Zoom (connection info…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, February 10, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room and via Zoom (connection info…
The Boulder Board of Adjustment will hold its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 18, 2022, via Zoom connection only. Agenda: Approve January 2021 minutes Appointments: Tina’s resignation,…
In person at Community Center and online via zoom: NOTICE AND AGENDA Swear in new Mayor and Town Council Member Select new Town Council Member and swear in. Fill Planning…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2022, starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room and via Zoom (scroll…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, December 9, starting at 6p.m. at the Boulder Community Center Meeting Room and via Zoom (connection info below)….
Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, December 2, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center, 351 North 100…
Notice of Public Hearing Boulder Town Council will hold a public hearing Thursday, December 2, at 7 p.m. to hear public comments on Ordinance 2021-7, Proposed Amendments Re: Accessory Dwelling…
Due to technical issues, Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its November regular meeting and public hearing online, via Zoom, only. (Note time change due to end of Daylight Savings…
The Boulder Town Council will meet in the Community Center Thursday, November 4, at 7:00 p.m. for its regular meeting. There will be no zoom available for this meeting. It…
Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and a public hearing in the Boulder Community Center, 351 No. 100 East, Boulder, UT, 84716 and online via Zoom**. Please…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, October 7, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room…
Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold a public hearing Thursday, October 14, starting at approximately 8:-00 p.m. to hear public comments on the following Subdivision Ordinance Amendments: Subdivision Amendments A…
Listen here: Are you registered to vote in Boulder? Are you sure? Check or register online at Note: If you do not have a Utah Drivers License, you…
Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting in the Boulder Community Center, 351 No. 100 East, Boulder, UT, 84716 and online via Zoom**. Please help protect other community…
At their last meeting, the Boulder Town Council adopted a new Boulder Landfill Policy.
The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on an Amended Conditional Use Permit for an additional business operation at Hills and Hollows. Please send comments or questions to Commission…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Wednesday, September 1, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting…
Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting in the Boulder Community Center, 351 No. 100 East, Boulder, UT, 84716 and online via Zoom**. Due to ongoing spread of…
Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, August 5, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room at the…
Notice of Boulder Town Council Public Hearings Boulder Town Council will hold two public hearings on Thursday, August 5, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. to hear public comment on the following…
See for information and access to resources for seniors.
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, July 1, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center….
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and a public hearing in the Boulder Community Center, 351 No. 100 East, Boulder, UT, 84716 and online via Zoom**…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and public hearing in person and via Zoom** beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 10, 2021. Approve agenda Approve…
NOTICE AND AGENDA Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, June 3, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center. …
Notice of Boulder Town Planning Commission Public Hearing Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on June 10, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. to hear comment on the proposed…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and public hearing electronically,** beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 13, 2021. Approve agenda Approve April minutes Lee Nellis:…
Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, May 6, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be a hybrid of…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 13, 2021, at 8:00 p.m., to hear comments on Ray Nelson’s Preliminary Application for Subdivision. The hearing…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and public hearing electronically,** beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 8, 2021. Approve agenda Approve March minutes Lee Nellis…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, April 1, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be…
Notice of Boulder Planning Commission Public Hearing Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 8, 2021, at approximately 8:00 p.m.*, to hear comments on amendments…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, March 4,2021, at 7:00 p.m. Due to health guidelines,…
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boulder Town Council will hold a public hearing on March 4, 2021, beginning at 7:00p.m., for the purpose of receiving public input on the Planning…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting and public hearing electronically,** beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 11, 2021. Approve agenda Approve February minutes Lee Nellis…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting electronically,** beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 11, 2021. Agenda: Approve agenda Approve January minutes Initial public comments Discuss…
Notice, Agenda, and Proposed Amendments Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, February 4,2021, at 7:00 p.m. Due to health…
The Boulder Board of Adjustment will hold its regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20, 2021, via Zoom connection. Agenda: Approve November 2019 minutes Welcome new members: John…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting electronically,** beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 14, 2021. Agenda: Approve agenda Approve December minutes Open and Public Meetings…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, January 7, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Due to health guidelines,…
Notice of Boulder Planning Commission Public Hearing The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold an online public hearing on Thursday, January 14, 2021, within its regular meeting that starts at…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting electronically,** beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, 2020. Agenda: Approve agenda Approve November minutes Continuation of Review of…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Due to health…
Notice of Boulder Planning Commission Public Hearing The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, December 10, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., regarding a Conditional Use Permit…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, November 19, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss allocation of…
The Boulder Landfill will no longer be accepting cars, motor homes, trailers, or other large scrap metal items. We are looking for a solution to accommodate the removal of these…
Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, November 5, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Due to health guidelines, the meeting will…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Due to health guidelines,…
Notice and Agenda Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Thursday, September 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be…
The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold a work meeting electronically,** beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 25, 2020: Lee Nellis: Design standards and Table of Uses for upcoming…
NOTICE AND AGENDA Notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held electronically via Zoom Thursday, August 6, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Please…
ORDINANCE NO. 2020-2 AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING FIRE RESTRICTIONS WHEREAS, fire danger is extremely high in the State of Utah and Boulder area; and WHEREAS, fireworks have been banned…
Boulder Town & the BCA are excited to announce that the Boulder 4th of July tradition will continue with a parade! We request that participants practice social distancing & wear…